Letters to Governor

The Wisconsin Angel

Letters to Governor

Cordelia Harvey constantly updated Governor Salomon regarding the lack of facilities needed for the treatment of the soldiers. She wrote several letters petitioning to build a hospital in the North and bring the Wisconsin soldiers home to recuperate.

Letter from Cordelia Harvey, 1863, Cordelia Harvey

In her letters, she wrote how the soldiers were homesick, saying, “‘Can’t I go home Mrs Harvey?’ Some try to look brave, but the lip quivers.” She advocated for Wisconsin soldiers who were too sick to serve in the army. Harvey felt these soldiers should go home and recuperate near their families, allowing for a quicker recovery.

Letter from Cordelia Harvey, 1863, Cordelia Harvey

She became increasingly concerned about the hot, putrid air at the battlefield hospitals. While working to establish hospitals near Union soldiers' homes, she fell and needed to go back to Wisconsin to recuperate. She was convinced that soldiers needed the same treatment. Figuring she needed to do something about it, she met with Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the U.S.A.